My job started on Monday and my husband's job isn't over until Friday. This leaves us a week without each other. As you can imagine being newlyweds, we are dying here. My husband more than I, mostly because he has the children and the rest of the packing. I just miss him like crazy whilst hanging out with old friends/family. Funny how no matter how long it's been since we were last living together just the five of us, we have all settled back into a family. I just miss mine terribly. Alas, I will survive, though I wonder how Army wives do it for a year or more at a time, and their husbands aren't just finishing up a job in a nice relatively safe suburban area. Crazy. My best friend is one such Army wife, who is getting ready to ship her husband off to Iraq in three weeks. I would be going insane. I guess she's just doing what she has to do for her kids. Makes sense.
Not much else going on. We're broke, but that's nothing new. Occupies a lot of my thinking time, but not new. Oh well, it's almost better to stress about money than it is to miss Brad and the kids. I guess I will just go to bed on this tiny couch and pretend I am in my rightful bed next to my husband. Last night the couch helped me play along with that. It ate all my blankets and I woke up freezing. Goodnight.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
The Move
We are moving to a new house! For those of you that follow, if anyone does, you'll have to bear with us during this move.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
The Rant
It's my blog, I can say whatever I want. So today, I will talk about my hatred of housecleaning.
This morning I left work early (at 10:30am) and came home to clean my house. Once I got home I figured I would do the dishes, put some laundry in and straighten up the living room. Then I figured I would work on dinner, and doing some financial planning and maybe my talk for an upcoming lesson in Relief Society. (For all you non-LDS followers (assuming I have followers at all!), Relief Society is like a cross between Sunday School and the service but for women over 18 only.)
I came home and realized that the dishes and laundry did need done, but also, the kitchen needed swept, the bathroom needed picked up and deep cleaned, the soap dispensers needed filled, the table needs cleared and wiped, the living room needs to be picked up in a bad way, and dusted, along with pictures that need hung, there's three baskets of laundry that need put away, the children's room needs picked up, the beds need to be made, there's even more laundry under beds, the front porch needs swept, the yard needs picked up (I'm blaming puppies for that one!) and there are several things I still need to find a place for. This realization irritates me most because we just cleaned YESTERDAY! The dishes and laundry I understand, where did the rest come from? So I investigated.
The excess laundry came from the fact that 2 days ago we were out of laundry detergent, and I kept forgetting to pick some up. So many loads were done yesterday. Beds were slept in, dishes were eaten off of, toys were played with, puppies were chewing, the porch was neglected (plain and simple.), the table needs cleared because I put stuff there to get if off the counter so I could use that to stack dishes to be washed, the stuff that needs a home is because I had a most lovely surprise wedding shower this weekend and have many new items in my kitchen, the rest is still a quandry. Is this much cleaning REALLY needing to be performed DAILY?!
Before we were married, I came to visit my husband in this very house. I remember when I walked in, my first thought was, "holy crap, this house looks like a museum." It was SO clean. It even smelled of pine sol. I always thought he was a neat freak. I asked him how he did it. This was his answer. "You happened to come the day after I had time to clean the house." This makes me feel better.
So know this. I plan to never live in a large house. I want enough room to be comfortable, but not big enough that I have to clean too often. Also--if you come to visit, don't plan on my house being too clean until 2022. That's when my youngest will be grown.
Done with my rant, laundry is calling. (What idiot decided to put the world's most annoying buzzer on a dryer? It's bad enough to know that you have to get up, retreive, and fold, but it couldn't be a nicer sound than, "BANHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?")
This morning I left work early (at 10:30am) and came home to clean my house. Once I got home I figured I would do the dishes, put some laundry in and straighten up the living room. Then I figured I would work on dinner, and doing some financial planning and maybe my talk for an upcoming lesson in Relief Society. (For all you non-LDS followers (assuming I have followers at all!), Relief Society is like a cross between Sunday School and the service but for women over 18 only.)
I came home and realized that the dishes and laundry did need done, but also, the kitchen needed swept, the bathroom needed picked up and deep cleaned, the soap dispensers needed filled, the table needs cleared and wiped, the living room needs to be picked up in a bad way, and dusted, along with pictures that need hung, there's three baskets of laundry that need put away, the children's room needs picked up, the beds need to be made, there's even more laundry under beds, the front porch needs swept, the yard needs picked up (I'm blaming puppies for that one!) and there are several things I still need to find a place for. This realization irritates me most because we just cleaned YESTERDAY! The dishes and laundry I understand, where did the rest come from? So I investigated.
The excess laundry came from the fact that 2 days ago we were out of laundry detergent, and I kept forgetting to pick some up. So many loads were done yesterday. Beds were slept in, dishes were eaten off of, toys were played with, puppies were chewing, the porch was neglected (plain and simple.), the table needs cleared because I put stuff there to get if off the counter so I could use that to stack dishes to be washed, the stuff that needs a home is because I had a most lovely surprise wedding shower this weekend and have many new items in my kitchen, the rest is still a quandry. Is this much cleaning REALLY needing to be performed DAILY?!
Before we were married, I came to visit my husband in this very house. I remember when I walked in, my first thought was, "holy crap, this house looks like a museum." It was SO clean. It even smelled of pine sol. I always thought he was a neat freak. I asked him how he did it. This was his answer. "You happened to come the day after I had time to clean the house." This makes me feel better.
So know this. I plan to never live in a large house. I want enough room to be comfortable, but not big enough that I have to clean too often. Also--if you come to visit, don't plan on my house being too clean until 2022. That's when my youngest will be grown.
Done with my rant, laundry is calling. (What idiot decided to put the world's most annoying buzzer on a dryer? It's bad enough to know that you have to get up, retreive, and fold, but it couldn't be a nicer sound than, "BANHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?")
Monday, September 6, 2010
The Wait
So we moved our furniture around to accomadate an air conditioner, and guess what? The computer got moved away from the internet cable. Oops. So, I will be posting more regularly now. It seems that the summer is free of much schedule and things go all manner of crazy. You know, assuming anyone reads this to be disappointed...
See you soon!
See you soon!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
The Parade
Little princess was in a parade today with the rest of her gymnastics team. It's fair time in our neck of the woods. Now, in my hometown, the fair lasts five days, and bands come from hours away to be in the parade and then compete in Drums at Appletime (love it!). The parade in my hometown lasts 2-3 hours, and EVERYONE is in the parade! The miraculous thing is that people will put out their lawn chairs a day or two (or three) in advance and everyone just LEAVES THEM ALONE! It's so bizzare. Downside of that's SO HARD to find a seat! (Except that Grandma's backyard is on the parade route, so we have an "in" but most people have a difficult time. So I'm all going over to our parade an hour early, and I'm thinking that we have the wrong parade route, because there's no one there. Alas, the signs covering the telephone poles state "Parade route no parking June 5th, 9AM-Noon" So I'm like, "well, I think this is the 5th." We sat tight, and hear after a bit came all the other people. There were plenty of holes left for everyone, too. Kind of a disappointment. The real disappointment is that there were NO BANDS! Craziness!'s our Bella Principessa up on her float.

And for a small parade, they did give out some serious candy!

And, just because she's pretty, here's another picture of Serene with her cousin and fellow teammate, Cassie, and their teacher (who's name escapes me!) from FCAC.

And for a small parade, they did give out some serious candy!

And, just because she's pretty, here's another picture of Serene with her cousin and fellow teammate, Cassie, and their teacher (who's name escapes me!) from FCAC.

The Garden
We are growing a garden. This is something that we've both always wanted to do, but he never had the time/money to get one started, and I've never had the space! So, we pooled our resources together and voila, a garden! Surprisingly, we are growing things! (For those of you that have never watched me kill a plant, I have killed everything from African Violets to Cactus. I have been teased that not only am I a brown thumb, it's gone ahead to black, and I kill everything I walk by!) We have lots of tomatoes (roma, big boy, grape and some kind Brad's friend gave us.), sweet corn (we planted approximately 20, 2 have come up! :( ), cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, green beans, cantalope, mint, rosemary, basil, cilantro, and eggplant. (We are trying to find a spot for pumpkins, too.) Most of the garden is going swimmingly!

Though we've decided we hate weeding it, Brad loves yardwork, and while the rest of us forget is needs hoed, he just does it!

All of the plants that have sprouted are doing really well! Except the eggplant.

We're not really sure what happened there.
In fact, we're such good farmers (in my blood?) that we've even started growing things in other parts of the yard.

Do you see the potatoes? We have no idea how they got there! Maybe a neighbor dog or other animal nosed through the trash and drug a rotten potato out into that hole? I guess it mustn't be too hard to grow potatoes if you can do it in a shaded area of the yard without ever watering it and not even knowing it exists! Not bad for our first time, huh?!

Though we've decided we hate weeding it, Brad loves yardwork, and while the rest of us forget is needs hoed, he just does it!

All of the plants that have sprouted are doing really well! Except the eggplant.

We're not really sure what happened there.
In fact, we're such good farmers (in my blood?) that we've even started growing things in other parts of the yard.

Do you see the potatoes? We have no idea how they got there! Maybe a neighbor dog or other animal nosed through the trash and drug a rotten potato out into that hole? I guess it mustn't be too hard to grow potatoes if you can do it in a shaded area of the yard without ever watering it and not even knowing it exists! Not bad for our first time, huh?!
Friday, June 4, 2010
The Mess

What's with children's need to make a mess? While Brad and I were talking, the children decided to make kool-aid. Yeah, you can guess how this ended. So while I was cleaning that mess, I thought they were washing up. Nope, Serene was in the bathtub, and Dylan had slid his mattress off the bed and jumping on it sideways. Why? Why is it necessary to make sure I'm always cleaning up a mess? Is our house not messy enough without the children's intentional help? Is there not enough laundry, dishes, dustmites, etc to make messes? *sigh* Not to mention, I quit my job. Yikes, I'm pretty scared about that, but I just can't work there anymore. They expect us to work unlimited hours without notice and not only do they not make it easy, they don't even thank us for doing it! There's got to be something better out there. Something that doesn't make me sick at my stomach when I think about having to go to work in an hour. Something....yikes, I'm mentally unstable, I think. Now time for supper...
The Hose

What is so appealing about the hose? Today I woke up with a renewed sense of duty to clean the house. So while I was cleaning, the boys played with the hose. They are told daily this is a no-no. Not only did they play with the hose, they sprayed the dogs. Not only did they spray the dogs, they let the wet dogs (now muddy from their tramp around the yard) into the house. So the boys have a renewed sense of duty to clean the house as well. :) The only thing that stinks is that my lil lady was an angel helping her uncle to fix hubby's car, and now none of us get to go to the pool. Having siblings that get into trouble sure stinks, huh? I guess it's okay since she's gotten to do several fun things with me while the boys stayed home. (I doubt they'd have thought it was much fun to go antique shopping anyway.) Oooh! Maybe that should be their punishment! (And a treat for us girls that are SO perfect!)
Thursday, June 3, 2010
The First
So today we have internet on the computer. Yay! This is awesome, especially since I have been wanting to blog for a while and it's very hard on my droid. So now that I have one, I have nothing to say. That's normally how it goes.
Well, I guess this is mostly for my family anyway, so I will share what the kids are doing. (It's not like the adults matter anyway.)
Cranston is now 8, loves watching television, and playing his Nintendo DS. He is mostly quiet, and you'd never hear him talking on the phone for more than he absolutely has to. (This boads well for future phone availability.) Cranston has most recently been involved with swimming. He taught himself to swim and it's his favorite thing to do.
Dylan is now 7, he is very energetic and often has trouble waiting for his siblings to wake up on their own. He has been known to yell loudly "hey, are you guys awake yet?" He is both loving and hating having siblings. Wonderful to have someone to play with, hates the dreaded SHARING! Since he was recently an only child, he is finding it very hard to share the attention, but totally worth having a doting father. Dylan will start swimming lessons on June 8th. Stay tuned!
Serene is now 6, and she is aptly named...usually. She is the little princess and loves pink. This morning, we fashioned a wedding gown out of a dress and some tulle. This was completely torn down when the boys and daddy started wrestling. She was in the middle of it, too. She is my "little momma." She wants to take care of everyone, and up until recently, she was always in the spotlight. (Cranston was happy to deflect that!) She is now having trouble with the realization that there's another girl on her daddy's arm. (Of course, he has two! It's not uncommon to find the three of us snuggled with me on one side, and Serene on the other.) My favorite picture was the one where the boys were wrestling at their grandma's house and she went and just sat in the middle of them. :) That's my girl! Serene will also start swimming lessons on June 8th, and then two days later will have her final gymnastic recital. This weekend she's in a parade with her gymnastics team!

Nick is just a few months old. He's our black lab puppy. Nick is mellow and sweet, always the protector. A few days after we brought him home, he was following the kids around when one cried, he would rush over to see what the fuss was about. He's a sweet boy, and we love him very much. He's already growing so much! Nick's favorite new thing is the pen. Brad put up a fence the other day and now Nick has a large part of the yard where he can freely run all day with his little sister.
Nala is the youngest member of our family. She's less than a few months. We are not sure what exactly she is, but she's part black lab. (Maybe border collie?) She's a ball of energy. She will just take off running! (But she stays in the yard.) Nala is known to run laps around the house. Nala is also thankful for the new pen. A big thanks to Daddy for putting up the new fence!
Currently on the to do list-laundry, dishes, run to the store for laundry soap and trash bags. Most importantly, must find something to have for lunch. Yesterday's lunch was sandwiches cut out with favorite cookie cutters!
Currently on the want to list-visit the ocean. It's summer, and I probably won't get to go. That's a bunch of crap!
Currently on the project list-the kitchen. What should I do with it? I'm thinking blue vintage something-or-other. Any ideas?
Well, I guess this is mostly for my family anyway, so I will share what the kids are doing. (It's not like the adults matter anyway.)
Cranston is now 8, loves watching television, and playing his Nintendo DS. He is mostly quiet, and you'd never hear him talking on the phone for more than he absolutely has to. (This boads well for future phone availability.) Cranston has most recently been involved with swimming. He taught himself to swim and it's his favorite thing to do.
Dylan is now 7, he is very energetic and often has trouble waiting for his siblings to wake up on their own. He has been known to yell loudly "hey, are you guys awake yet?" He is both loving and hating having siblings. Wonderful to have someone to play with, hates the dreaded SHARING! Since he was recently an only child, he is finding it very hard to share the attention, but totally worth having a doting father. Dylan will start swimming lessons on June 8th. Stay tuned!
Serene is now 6, and she is aptly named...usually. She is the little princess and loves pink. This morning, we fashioned a wedding gown out of a dress and some tulle. This was completely torn down when the boys and daddy started wrestling. She was in the middle of it, too. She is my "little momma." She wants to take care of everyone, and up until recently, she was always in the spotlight. (Cranston was happy to deflect that!) She is now having trouble with the realization that there's another girl on her daddy's arm. (Of course, he has two! It's not uncommon to find the three of us snuggled with me on one side, and Serene on the other.) My favorite picture was the one where the boys were wrestling at their grandma's house and she went and just sat in the middle of them. :) That's my girl! Serene will also start swimming lessons on June 8th, and then two days later will have her final gymnastic recital. This weekend she's in a parade with her gymnastics team!

Nick is just a few months old. He's our black lab puppy. Nick is mellow and sweet, always the protector. A few days after we brought him home, he was following the kids around when one cried, he would rush over to see what the fuss was about. He's a sweet boy, and we love him very much. He's already growing so much! Nick's favorite new thing is the pen. Brad put up a fence the other day and now Nick has a large part of the yard where he can freely run all day with his little sister.
Nala is the youngest member of our family. She's less than a few months. We are not sure what exactly she is, but she's part black lab. (Maybe border collie?) She's a ball of energy. She will just take off running! (But she stays in the yard.) Nala is known to run laps around the house. Nala is also thankful for the new pen. A big thanks to Daddy for putting up the new fence!
Currently on the to do list-laundry, dishes, run to the store for laundry soap and trash bags. Most importantly, must find something to have for lunch. Yesterday's lunch was sandwiches cut out with favorite cookie cutters!
Currently on the want to list-visit the ocean. It's summer, and I probably won't get to go. That's a bunch of crap!
Currently on the project list-the kitchen. What should I do with it? I'm thinking blue vintage something-or-other. Any ideas?
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